More Exciting updates released today! This list is not exhaustive, and we think it’s going to make MarketPlace explode, keep more players informed and excited to play, and overall be easier and more fun to use!
Let’s give it up for Discord @round-table and @Developers!
- forge % per star has a help next to the forge button now
- new option to hide reforged weapons in weapon grids
- combat result ui cleaned up
- level filters fixed
- add character swap
- fix small ui market bug
- fix combat waiting on results
- encounters displayed more nicely on different resolutions
- purchased/cancelled items are removed from market
- metamask onboarding / general onboarding changes
- stage page has correct button colors
- quick swap characters from the chracter bar
- reforging 4/5* or LB’d weapons now has an extra confirmation dialog
- stamina recharge tooltip added to characters
- weapon favoriting support (right click the weapon to make it appear first in lists)
Also I think you’re going to go BANANAS 🍌 for what we have in store for you tomorrow! Thanks @everyone!